Nokuthula Ngwenyama’s much anticipated world premiere release
Sonoran Storm for Solo Viola
Come to the Desert Botanical Gardens to hear The Dover Quartet, Zorá String Quartet, Ida Kavafian, Peter Wiley, Nokuthula Ngwenyama, and Peter Lloyd
Mendelssohn – String Symphony No. 10
Grieg – Holberg Suite
Tchaikovsky – Serenade for Strings
Nokuthula Ngwenyama joins The Dover Quartet for the world premiere of Primal Message:
It’s 1974. What would you like to put in humanity’s first message in a bottle sent 25,000 light years away to globular star cluster M13? Pink Floyd’s proverbial “Is Anybody Out There?” Great scientific minds included an understanding of number systems and organization, a map advertising to anything between here and there our place in the universe, our DNA structure, and a pictograph with height measurements in meters cleverly embedded. The message was an esteemed testament to humanity’s drive to think, dream, solve and connect existences. But what of the intangible things that make us essentially human, how our zeniths and nadirs tie us in concert with universal celebration? Was that message effectively communicated? How might we be rendered today more efficiently and completely with fuller understanding, and what content might be necessary to imbed? This is the launching point of Primal Message.
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